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About us...

Barking Up Trees was founded in 2012. 

Our mission: enrich the daily lives of dogs and in turn, that of their humans.

We offer a specialized pack walk service, private walks and visits for puppies and senior dogs.
We also offer effective and dog-friendly training services.


Our Team

Jeff Jodoin - (founder) pack walk specialist/trainer

Jeff started Barking Up Trees in  2012 with his golden retriever, loyal companion and side kick, Rosco (pictured right with blue bandana). They have pack walked more than 20,000 kms with hundreds of different dogs over the last 10 years. They also work with puppies for early socialization and help rehabilitate reactive, fearful and on occasion, aggressive dogs.

Continuous learning from industry experts in conjunction with 10+ years of hands-on experience has helped Jeff become an avid dog handler, walker and trainer.

Associate member of the Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers. Member of the Ottawa Dog Walkers Network. Annual volunteer instructor for the City of Ottawa Summer Camp Program. Occasional volunteer for the Ottawa and Valley Lost Pet Network.

Nadine Arena - puppy service specialist

A retired military veteran following 30 years of service, Nadine found her second calling working with puppies. A lifelong dog owner and current dog mom to her westiepoo Marley, Nadine has really cut her teeth learning about dog behaviour and applying her knowledge over the last six years. She has helped attend to the needs of 50+ puppies in our care.
Nadine's passion rivals her philanthropy. She plays a pivotal role in fundraising for local rescue efforts, assisting dogs in foster care and donating her retirement time to helping any dog in need that she comes across. 

Certified in k9 first aid. Volunteer for Freedom Dog Rescue. Occasional volunteer for the Ottawa Valley Lost Pet Network.


Carole-Ann Renaud - pack walk specialist / nail trim guru

Caro (aka Jango's mom) brings 15 years experience helping people assess and fulfill the nutritional, physical and mental health needs of their pets working at our friendly neighbourhood Pet Valu.
Caro further bolstered her dog knowledge and experience serving in the foster program for Sit With Me Dog Rescue. Living and working with dogs on a daily basis to prepare them for adoption was an amazing opportunity to learn about dog behaviour; it also lead her to rescuing and adopting a neglected dog with separation anxiety, behaviour quirks, allergies and physical impairments requiring surgeries.
She called him Jango and he calls her his everything! Caro joined Barking Up Trees in 2018 following a three week hands-on pack walk apprenticeship. 

Certified in k9 first aid. Volunteer for various rescue initiatives. Pro nail trimmer and dog sitter extraordinaire.

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